Language English hack free app Duck Life Lite [android]

free app [android] Duck Life Lite







  1. Oh no! Why did this game change the grassland running training into a different music? Did the creators think it was bad!? That music was really good! And now it turned into a more cringer music. I used to like the original music better, and now the creators screw it up! But, it is still a good game even though you should have unlocked two more for us and there is only one... the grassland, then our ducks won’t ever be able to go to different places. 😭 please fix game soon. 😢
  2. Genre Adventure
  3. Version info + Optimized file size
  4. publisher MoFunZone Inc
  5. publish Dates 2013-04-01
  6. 3,9 / 5 stars


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